Representation Of Lenders And Loan Servicers

A wide variety of practical and legal issues bring real estate lenders and loan officers to our doors at McMullan & Brown in Little Rock. Our real estate-lending clients include:

  • Small banks
  • Mortgage companies
  • Loan servicers

Examples Of Cases We Take On

We typically represent plaintiffs in judicial foreclosure cases. We bring wrongful foreclosure cases fortified by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). We also defend lenders in adversary bankruptcy proceeding when borrowers claim lenders were negligent or do not rightfully retain the debt. Borrowers in such cases may claim that our clients should reduce or forgive mortgage loans. Our knowledgeable advocacy often prevents substantial losses for lenders in such cases.

The Benefit Of Our Experience

With nearly 30 years in practice and more than half a century of combined experience in real estate and contract law, our real estate lawyers are well-prepared to provide professional, effective representation in pursuit of our clients’ most important objectives. We consider ourselves partners of these clients who rely on our knowledge and skills in these areas.

Meet With Our Knowledgeable Lender And Loan Servicing Lawyers

McMullan & Brown of Benton , Arkansas, is a trusted source of advice and assistance for lenders, loan services and other commercial enterprises with interests in real property transactions and disputes. To discuss your needs and learn more about how we can meet those needs, contact an attorney at the firm through this website or call .